What we do
Our contribution to a better world
With our work at Green Peace Inn, we want to give something back to the world.
Our retreats don't only provide an experience but also a sustainable building block for a better world.
We think a better world would be one with more people living balanced and peaceful lives. The more people are at peace with themselves, the more peace they bring to their surroundings.
At Green Peace Inn, our mission is to support people in finding peace within themselves so that after leaving a retreat there, they can spread it to the world.
Our retreats are designed for everybody, regardless of their knowledge or practice background, where they come from, or occupation. In fact, the diversity of people who join our retreats makes them even more special. You get to know people you might not know in real life, and there's much learning potential here.
Surrounded by open-minded and kind-hearted people, getting out of your comfort zone is more manageable, allowing you to explore yourself more deeply.
Our retreats - an experience and a sustainable building block
Combining theory and practice, our retreats are based on a combination of scientific, practical and spiritual knowledge and wisdom. As we are all different, we integrate practices of various kinds so that everybody can get something out of it. We create a safe space so everybody can dive deep into their inner worlds and face issues they may have avoided all their lives.
Each day we focus on a different chakra, which brings a different topic. We build the practices around the day's topic, targeting and covering a wide range of possible experiences.
With our four-pillar approach of Yoga, Meditation, Nutrition and Breathwork, we provide a holistic strategy for your self-discovery journey. Different meditation & breathing techniques help to calm your mind, yoga to strengthen your body and healthy food to lift your spirits.
Nevertheless, the change starts within you. And one first step can be choosing to start your journey with us at Green Peace Inn.
“If you want to change the world, start with yourself.”
Read more about how to change and take action here.