Take action
How you can contribute to a better world
Every idea, every dream, every learning and every intention is worth nothing without an action.
You can attend retreats, read books, or listen to inspiring podcasts. However, nothing changes as long as you don't act on what you learn.
Taking action means to change
Change starts with little steps. After collecting knowledge, wisdom, and experiences, you start to be aware of what you do, think, and behave and question whether this is still how you want to act. If we are aware that everything we do is a decision, we realize the power that lies within us because every decision impacts our lives.
You decide if you want to change.
You decide if you want to create your life or if you want to let life happen to you.
“Do your practice and all is coming.”
- Pattabhi Jois
Take responsibility for your life and take action in your daily life. These can be small or big things. No matter how small or big, they will have an impact if you're consistent with them.
You can take all the different tools you got from a retreat at Green Peace Inn: Meditation, Yoga and other movement practices, Breathwork, Nutrition, Journaling…
Pick something that brings you joy and practice it daily - if it's on the mat or in the little spots you don't have anything else to do, like queuing and waiting somewhere - being and staying present in these moments is meditation at its best.
To commit to your practice, it helps to make it fun for you and to ask yourself what you actually need. Don't forget that meditation is not only sitting still :-) You can start by shaking, dancing, moving your body, and then sitting down. Maybe it also helps to begin with humming or singing mantras. This way, you can introduce sitting and looking inward at your body. After some weeks, you might feel that sitting in silence is no longer difficult. Experiment and be open, combine and find out what feels best FOR YOU!
The journey within can also be a rollercoaster ride, and knowing that this journey is not linear but wavy can help us be more compassionate with ourselves. It's not about achieving something but about re-connecting and checking in with yourself again and again.